( جہنم کے کل سات درجے)Jahanam K Darjat
( جہنم کے کل سات درجے)Jahanam K Darjat Once the Angel Gabriel came to the Prophet – peace and blessings be upon the Messenger come , saw that what you said is some jbriel upset you that today is looking for the bereaved , Gabriel Gabriel o , has a total view of hell by the command of Allah in the Holy day where I came to view it may display signs of anger on me that are also me, Gabriel said, " the Prophet – hell Tell me there are seven degrees of hell said Gabriel conditions The hypocrites in the bottom of them which is the status that this will The sixth level above it, Allaah will ڈلیں those polytheists Worship of the Sun and the Moon in the fifth level above those who would In the fourth level, the Holy Zoroastrian people would be right for you. In the Jewish holy third-class would be ri